Friday, November 29, 2013

This is NOT fun!

If you know me at all you probably know that I am always saying the word fun :) I love this word, as I know that the Lord would want us to enjoy all that He has given us, and when I think about enjoying things, the first word that comes to my mind is FUN! Well let me tell you that I do enjoy everything that I have, and I am grateful for everyday that I have, but I am also not blind to the fact that it's not all fun. Let me share with you some of the things that are not fun about being a mom, in hopes that you also, can recognize that we are blessed, but we also know that not every waking moment of motherhood is fun.

First off I do not find it to be fun, that I cannot use the restroom without being interrupted! I will confess, that I have used the bathroom before as my "get away" spot, and have tried to ignore the knocks on the door, as I am praying for grace and patience :), but those knocks soon turn to yelling, and soon to follow crying, as all they want is to be by me. I can remember when my little ones were new borns, and to take a bath without them crying to be fed, just did not happen.

I also don't find it fun to have someone pushing, pulling, talking, or just plain touching me every minute of every waking hour. I do love cuddling with my kids, don't get me wrong! But I also have children that must have touch as their love language, because they feel the need to be right by me all day long. And by the time my husband gets home from work, I just want alone time, which isn't fun to him at all. 

I don't find it to be fun when I talk in a normal voice, and know my kids can hear me, but choose not to listen until I raise my voice to a level that we would all call yelling. And yes this does happen daily :)

I REALLY don't like it when the mystery boy (or boys) in our house continually leave the seat down every time they go to the bathroom, and don't bother to clean up after themselves. And just to be clear, THEY MISS ALOT!!!! 

There is nothing fun about spending hours to organize my children's closets, just to find that within a day, everything has been put right back to where it was before I started cleaning. And some days, I think it would be easier to get rid of all their clothes except for 5 outfits, but have never really acted on that thought :)

And truly something I dislike, is the fact that no matter how much I pay attention to my children, at the end of the day, I have to fight off mommy regret, that I haven't done a good enough job.

And I could continue to list things off here but I think you catch my drift. You see being a mom is not always fun, and we don't have to enjoy every minute of every day to be a good mom. And I can say that some of the funniest stories that I share with others or my children are things that happened in one of those NOT fun moments. It does make for a good laugh much, much later! So don't stress if you find yourself feeling like this thing called parenting is a bit stressful, but know that you will survive, and it's ok to not be happy and in a good mood all the time. We are mothers and our jobs require alot out of us, as we cook, clean, teach, drive, pay bills, and all the other things that fall into our care as we do this thing called motherhood. And I for one am going to enjoy it, and not be blind to the stresses of it, all at the same time. 


  1. Mommy regret. I sometimes still have that and I have no children at home. Not fun!

  2. This was great Shawn!! Oh do I have some not so fun moments...daily!!
