Friday, December 20, 2013

You really homeschool??

Did I catch your attention? To answer that question, yes I do. Actually, yes we do. Real moms real messy aka Shawn and Jen.
Now, I don't need to sit here and give you all the reasons we choose too and I don't need to explain, defend, or talk up homeschooling in all it's greatness and glory. Here's why. Not everyone would understand. That's ok. I know for our family we prayed about it. I know Shawn and her family prayed about it too. That should be good enough right?
You see I know not only homeschoolers get criticized, but so do parents who send their kids to public, private, and charter or whatever other choices there are out there!
I was raised a homeschooler and even though I wasn't taught that "homeschooling is the only way" somehow I thought it, and I let that narrow mindedness follow me until one day we went from homeschooling to putting our kids in public school. GASP!!! What a hypocrite I was!! It wasn't that I couldn't have handled continuing to homeschool (I could have but not enjoyed it). Something wasn't right. I couldn't explain it.  So, my husband and I prayed and we felt led to put them in school. This went against everything I thought to be best, I thought I was throwing my kids to the wolves, (believe me I have heard that before), I thought they would be damaged by society. I thought I must not love them enough to be able to have them home. See how the enemy works? He puts fear in us and it allows everything we do, say, and think to be led by fear. But think about this...What if our public schools were void of Christian kids?!!?Those kids are being a light in SO much darkness! Think about the friendships and bonds that take place between pupils and teachers! God can and does use our children for the sake of bringing people into his kingdom, or even just planting seeds. There is a reason God calls Christians to be in the public school!  Our kids have impacted others when they were in school. We heard nothing but praises about our children's behavior , grades, and respect towards others. That makes us proud parents and it makes us realize there is a difference and it was being noticed. They made a difference! My kids invited their school friends and teachers to church, and they came!! GOOD things came from that!
 Now fast forward 5 years. My husband and I are homeschooling all our children this year!!! Ha! At least the Lord prepared me a year beforehand knowing this would occur. You see, God knows me and He totally prepared and softened my heart and got me excited about this!
What brought these changes? Praying, listening to Gods voice, and being led by peace and not fear. But some would say " it's not healthy to bounce your kids around", or "now their going to have social issues being homeschooled". Wow because we homeschoolers NEVER get out of the house and interact with other people. Yes I'm being facetious :)  But seriously, Really? Says who? Because if God led us to make this decision then wouldn't He know best? Wouldn't he know if it would be too much? I think so. I think I will put my trust in God rather than man. We all know what happens when we start following the voices of others rather than THE ONE. I love homeschooling like you wouldn't believe! I can't imagine anything different. But that doesn't mean I think it's for everyone:) That also doesn't mean I look down upon others just because they don't.
If you homeschool GOOD FOR YOU!!!
 If you don't homeschool GOOD FOR YOU!
If your kids are in private, GOOD FOR YOU!
If your kids are in a charter school GOOD FOR YOU!!!

You see it's a win win for us all!!
Can't we just accept that parents are making the decisions that are best for their family? Can't we stop judging one another? You see it's not our place, and our opinion doesn't matter. What matters is YOU making the best choice for your family. Other people don't know our needs and they don't know our reasoning's behind some of the decisions we make. Let's let God be the voice we hear above all else!! I pray everyone of you feel confident in whatever season and place God has you and your family in. Just don't be so set in your ways like I was to prevent things from taking a drastic change:)
Happy schooling to you all!!

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