Friday, December 13, 2013

I'm Better Than You

The words "I'm better than you" sounds pretty arrogant right? I think that phrase can also be worded "Your wrong I'm right" or "I know best". All of those are very selfish and judgmental statements but yet I have found myself thinking these things before. Not intentionally of course but it seems to happen nonetheless. We all have been guilty of this I'm sure, or maybe I'm being judgmental by assuming so?:) You see we judge people and we judge a lot. How? We judge them for what they wear, what they drive, how they parent, what church they go to or if they don't go at all, if they home school or not,  how their marriage is or isn't, if they drink, if they smoke, if they are a Christian or someone desperately needing Christ, if they are still single at an older age, if they have a like or dislike for animals, if they are a good housekeeper or not, if they can cook or choose take out, if their kids are in multiple sports, or if their kids aren't in anything at all, if they take elaborate vacations, or if they vacation at home, if their kids have the latest fads of everything, or if they choose for their kids to have very minimal of things. These are all thoughts that scream "I am better than you!!"
You see I don't WANT to have a judgmental attitude or heart towards anyone or anything. But it's not just going to happen! I have to be intentional, I have to walk in love, I have to remember that their not me and God didn't call every person to live the same and to make the same decisions He has called me to. That doesn't make them wrong and me right. When that sunk into my thick skull after 32 years it was freeing! You see we're taught not to judge, I've heard it my whole life. But when I examined myself I realized just how judgmental I have really been... It was humbling to say the least.
But when I stop and remember that God does know best, He knows it all, His ways are better than my ways, His plans and thoughts are higher than mine, He has my best interest at heart, then I can rest knowing this, and you should too:) I can't do anything on my own. It's all because of Him. So if I can't do anything without Him, how do I know best?  The answer is: I don't. Plain and simple!
See, we are called to love people as Christ loves us. Those are big shoes to fill and I know this but I'm going to try my hardest! He loves us all the same. He loves that prostitute as much as that preacher, that murderer as much as that "Mother Therese" out there,  He loves that mother who had an abortion as much as the one who opted for adoption instead. He loves that gay person as much as the straight one and He doesn't love you or me more than anyone else. Yes, there is a right and wrong but our job isn't to judge, our job, our responsibility, is to love despite those things. Gods love isn't dependent on what we do. Now let that sink in a minute. If God can do this why can't we? Why can't we choose to love people for who they are? Not what they do or don't do. Love is what wins people and turns them to Christ. How can we do anything if we don't have love? It's hard to love when judgement is a constant thing in our life and society. The first step to loving is learning to be loved by Christ. When we start to do that, loving others should be easier, judging should start to fall away.
Now, we're not a perfect people and we will continue to make mistakes and judge. We still sin. But we sure can do our best and love despite every logical reason not to. Love is unconditional remember?
So when those judgmental thoughts come, throw them away. All it takes is remembering who you are and how God sees you despite what you do or have done. If that doesn't give you a little perspective I don't know what will, but I do know this: I won't judge you for it!:)

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