Thursday, November 14, 2013

I'm Just Not Her.

Do you ever find that your comparing yourself with other women? I have, and I do. There are a few particular things I find myself envying a little bit about other moms. Want to hear them? Good! I'm so glad you said yes because here I go:

 The mom who runs around and accomplishes all her errands with all kids in tow, and doesn't seem bothered, not even the slightest and she does it with a SMILE on her face.  Nope, I'm just not her.

The mom who makes all her children's clothes, matching none the less and has the girls hair all cutely decorated with headbands or bows. ALL THE TIME. Nope, I'm just not her!

The mom who can tackle all her kids plus yours for a whole day and call it "fun." Seriously, yes those people do exist! They are some of my most treasured friends!! But nope, I'm just not her.

The mom who goes to re-occurring play dates, and makes it look like it was a piece of cake getting every kid ready and out the door without a forgotten item (or kid) and happened to pack a 5 course meal boxed lunch for them, . AND  she's not ready to collapse! She's energized and ready to engage in conversation!  Nope I'm just not her either!

The woman who DOESN'T get overwhelmed  when she has 2 appointments in one week and doesn't fret about it the whole week prior thinking of how exhausting and mentally draining its going to be JUST to make it to those appointments. I am absolutely just NOT her.

The woman who doesn't mind unannounced visits. She actually welcomes them!! Hahahahaha.  That's definitely just not me, I'm just not her!!

You see, the list could go on and on. Thinking on what I WISH I was and what I WISH I could be to everyone is a deadly trap all in itself. I am not perfect and I fail and sometimes I don't know what to do. But, I do know WHAT And WHO I am right now: I am a mother to 7 beautiful children. Yes I am THEIR mother. God has equipped me to be just what they need!! God has gifted me with ability's to be able to take care of my family the way He intended and they love me for it! Imagine that?!
You see, I used to think these were flaws, that I didn't measure up to the "perfect" woman I thought up in my head. I thought I needed to change and I did, but I needed to change my perspective. I needed to remember who God created me to be. I am MORE than enough for my family. I may not always feel like I am but then again do we ever ALWAYS feel totally capable as a mother? No, of course not!

I don't think I am alone in this. So momma's there it is. The next time you find that little mind of yours comparing yourself to that "perfect" woman remind yourself of something. Your just not her. You are MORE than enough for your kids, just the way you are. That is truly WHO you are.

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