Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Don't Force it!

I have found that I really enjoy going to the tanners! Not only does it boost my energy, but it is a time that I can hear nothing else but my thoughts, and to dream. I know that as a child I use to always take time and day dream about how I wanted things to be and to see in my heart what it was that I was going after. And almost every time I would see those things come to pass because I spent time catching the vision. As I was trying out a new tanning facility recently, I went in to use a hydrotherapy bed, that I had heard Jenn raving about , well in the same conversation she was also sharing about a RED light therapy treatment that they do at this tanning facility. So I get in this bed and the steam begins to start, and I remember her telling me about a calf massager. As I was thinking about getting my legs into a position to find this massager, I was also reading the warning sign above my head to not touch the steamers, they may burn. Well let me tell you, as I shoved my leg into a crevace that clearly was not designed for my leg to go into, but my brain was focused on the massage, I screamed in pain as my calf found the top of one of those steamers and got burned. I was so embarrassed that I had done this to myself, and wondering how I did not put the warning sign above my face together with shoving my leg into that hole!
Well, I got out to tan, and then do the RED treatment, and soon realized that it was during the RED treatment that my calves would be massaged in an amazing massage chair. And as I was laying there thinking about what all had transpired during my visit, I realized that in life, we are always hearing from the Lord and trying to shove ourselves into what we want to see happen without being patient, and so many times the result of this is that we get burned out.  And I know that sometimes I have even put myself in the middle of something that I knew I shouldn’t be in, and at the end of doing so I have felt the heat!
Don’t force things to happen in your life, but let patience have its perfect work, that you may be thoroughly complete, lacking no good thing!

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