Friday, November 29, 2013

This is NOT fun!

If you know me at all you probably know that I am always saying the word fun :) I love this word, as I know that the Lord would want us to enjoy all that He has given us, and when I think about enjoying things, the first word that comes to my mind is FUN! Well let me tell you that I do enjoy everything that I have, and I am grateful for everyday that I have, but I am also not blind to the fact that it's not all fun. Let me share with you some of the things that are not fun about being a mom, in hopes that you also, can recognize that we are blessed, but we also know that not every waking moment of motherhood is fun.

First off I do not find it to be fun, that I cannot use the restroom without being interrupted! I will confess, that I have used the bathroom before as my "get away" spot, and have tried to ignore the knocks on the door, as I am praying for grace and patience :), but those knocks soon turn to yelling, and soon to follow crying, as all they want is to be by me. I can remember when my little ones were new borns, and to take a bath without them crying to be fed, just did not happen.

I also don't find it fun to have someone pushing, pulling, talking, or just plain touching me every minute of every waking hour. I do love cuddling with my kids, don't get me wrong! But I also have children that must have touch as their love language, because they feel the need to be right by me all day long. And by the time my husband gets home from work, I just want alone time, which isn't fun to him at all. 

I don't find it to be fun when I talk in a normal voice, and know my kids can hear me, but choose not to listen until I raise my voice to a level that we would all call yelling. And yes this does happen daily :)

I REALLY don't like it when the mystery boy (or boys) in our house continually leave the seat down every time they go to the bathroom, and don't bother to clean up after themselves. And just to be clear, THEY MISS ALOT!!!! 

There is nothing fun about spending hours to organize my children's closets, just to find that within a day, everything has been put right back to where it was before I started cleaning. And some days, I think it would be easier to get rid of all their clothes except for 5 outfits, but have never really acted on that thought :)

And truly something I dislike, is the fact that no matter how much I pay attention to my children, at the end of the day, I have to fight off mommy regret, that I haven't done a good enough job.

And I could continue to list things off here but I think you catch my drift. You see being a mom is not always fun, and we don't have to enjoy every minute of every day to be a good mom. And I can say that some of the funniest stories that I share with others or my children are things that happened in one of those NOT fun moments. It does make for a good laugh much, much later! So don't stress if you find yourself feeling like this thing called parenting is a bit stressful, but know that you will survive, and it's ok to not be happy and in a good mood all the time. We are mothers and our jobs require alot out of us, as we cook, clean, teach, drive, pay bills, and all the other things that fall into our care as we do this thing called motherhood. And I for one am going to enjoy it, and not be blind to the stresses of it, all at the same time. 

Friday, November 22, 2013

My True Ministry Calling

Have you ever had a season in life you look back on and think "How did I do it?" Not long ago I was in a season of having my plate so full that my head was spinning so fast and I wasn't even aware it was spinning! 
Everyone around knew it... but me:)

It was a season full of good things, God things! Big and small things!  You see, I was very involved with serving in our church, and I loved it! Life was great and I felt fulfilled, challenged and motivated. I felt like I was pleasing to the Lord and to my leaders. There was absolutely a grace in this season.
Then I started to feel things slowly changing. I took on one role after another because "hey this was for the sake of the ministry, how could I not step up and do it?" "If I didn't do it who was going to?" I was needed and I was capable so why not? Well, ever heard that saying that just because it's a good idea doesn't mean it's a God idea? I mean He is the one who knows how much I could take on. At the time I truly thought it was what God was calling me to do, because how could serving the church, serving the ministry NOT be what He wanted? So, to say I took time to really pray and listen and be lead and guided by peace is not exactly accurate. I didn't give myself time to do or feel any of those things. Excitement got the best of me I guess.

You see God had already given me a full time ministry. I could even do it in the comfort of my own home! People were dependent on me to teach them how to love the Lord. How to make Him a priority in their life. How to follow, listen and be lead by Him and Him alone. This was the ideal ministry!  These people looked up to me and counted on me. Those people were my children.

In all my serving for the body of Christ I had started to let go of serving my family. My priorities has shifted and I didn't even realize it! When the kids behavior started changing that was a clue. When date nights started to be less and less, that was a clue. When I couldn't keep up on housework like I used to, that was a clue. When I couldn't even think unless it was about ministry, that was a clue. When I couldn't plan anything because my days were all busy for ministry purposes, that was a clue. When my mind couldn't function because I had been staring at the computer, reading or writing e-mail after e-mail, that was a clue. I was like a zombie but a happy one if there ever was such a thing:-) At least I told myself I was happy. 

But thanks be to God who is so loving that He ever so gently reminds us what to do. Sometimes He uses our friends, our spouse, our family or a complete stranger to get our attention, to shift our focus back on what's most important.
Now let me be loud and clear about something. Serving in church is NOT BAD!!!!! God calls many people to serve in many different capacities. It's when we let our priorities get mixed up and we aren't taking care of the most important thing He has given us! For me, that was my family.
You know through all of this I realized you don't have to be in the church building to serve the Lord! I knew this but I didn't really feel like I could. God has showed me I can touch many people including my family from right where I am. I am serving a purpose here at home! My kids are only little for so long. I don't want to miss out on anything! I treasure the time that I have with them because I know how fast they grow. Proverbs 26:2 tells us "train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he shall not depart from it. How could I do that if all my time, energy and focus were on everything else? You can't and I couldn't.

I wanted my children to know who is their source for everything, who they put their trust in, who they call upon when they need wisdom and understanding, who they turn to for everything! How would they know if I didn't have time to teach them? 

We as parents can't rely on the church or teachers, or grandparents or friends to teach and raise our children. Yes, they can be great sources of help but God gave us our children, not them. They are our responsibility and they are a gift. They are to be enjoyed, they are to be loved on, they are to be heard and acknowledged. They are to be treated special! Doesn't our heavenly Father do that for us? I want to see my children as Christ sees them, as a treasure. Again, our children are only little for so long and I don't want to miss out on the smallest of things. I don't want to have any regrets. Does that mean I am going to teach with perfection and never make a mistake? Of course not! But I will do my best and let God fill in the gaps, He's the best at that anyway isn't' He? :-) 

Now, seasons change and I know this, but for now I will cherish every moment in my ministry. I will not rush it and I will not just "get through it." I am focused, I am intentional, and best of all I am FULFILLED in my calling as a mother.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

I'm Just Not Her.

Do you ever find that your comparing yourself with other women? I have, and I do. There are a few particular things I find myself envying a little bit about other moms. Want to hear them? Good! I'm so glad you said yes because here I go:

 The mom who runs around and accomplishes all her errands with all kids in tow, and doesn't seem bothered, not even the slightest and she does it with a SMILE on her face.  Nope, I'm just not her.

The mom who makes all her children's clothes, matching none the less and has the girls hair all cutely decorated with headbands or bows. ALL THE TIME. Nope, I'm just not her!

The mom who can tackle all her kids plus yours for a whole day and call it "fun." Seriously, yes those people do exist! They are some of my most treasured friends!! But nope, I'm just not her.

The mom who goes to re-occurring play dates, and makes it look like it was a piece of cake getting every kid ready and out the door without a forgotten item (or kid) and happened to pack a 5 course meal boxed lunch for them, . AND  she's not ready to collapse! She's energized and ready to engage in conversation!  Nope I'm just not her either!

The woman who DOESN'T get overwhelmed  when she has 2 appointments in one week and doesn't fret about it the whole week prior thinking of how exhausting and mentally draining its going to be JUST to make it to those appointments. I am absolutely just NOT her.

The woman who doesn't mind unannounced visits. She actually welcomes them!! Hahahahaha.  That's definitely just not me, I'm just not her!!

You see, the list could go on and on. Thinking on what I WISH I was and what I WISH I could be to everyone is a deadly trap all in itself. I am not perfect and I fail and sometimes I don't know what to do. But, I do know WHAT And WHO I am right now: I am a mother to 7 beautiful children. Yes I am THEIR mother. God has equipped me to be just what they need!! God has gifted me with ability's to be able to take care of my family the way He intended and they love me for it! Imagine that?!
You see, I used to think these were flaws, that I didn't measure up to the "perfect" woman I thought up in my head. I thought I needed to change and I did, but I needed to change my perspective. I needed to remember who God created me to be. I am MORE than enough for my family. I may not always feel like I am but then again do we ever ALWAYS feel totally capable as a mother? No, of course not!

I don't think I am alone in this. So momma's there it is. The next time you find that little mind of yours comparing yourself to that "perfect" woman remind yourself of something. Your just not her. You are MORE than enough for your kids, just the way you are. That is truly WHO you are.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Don't Force it!

I have found that I really enjoy going to the tanners! Not only does it boost my energy, but it is a time that I can hear nothing else but my thoughts, and to dream. I know that as a child I use to always take time and day dream about how I wanted things to be and to see in my heart what it was that I was going after. And almost every time I would see those things come to pass because I spent time catching the vision. As I was trying out a new tanning facility recently, I went in to use a hydrotherapy bed, that I had heard Jenn raving about , well in the same conversation she was also sharing about a RED light therapy treatment that they do at this tanning facility. So I get in this bed and the steam begins to start, and I remember her telling me about a calf massager. As I was thinking about getting my legs into a position to find this massager, I was also reading the warning sign above my head to not touch the steamers, they may burn. Well let me tell you, as I shoved my leg into a crevace that clearly was not designed for my leg to go into, but my brain was focused on the massage, I screamed in pain as my calf found the top of one of those steamers and got burned. I was so embarrassed that I had done this to myself, and wondering how I did not put the warning sign above my face together with shoving my leg into that hole!
Well, I got out to tan, and then do the RED treatment, and soon realized that it was during the RED treatment that my calves would be massaged in an amazing massage chair. And as I was laying there thinking about what all had transpired during my visit, I realized that in life, we are always hearing from the Lord and trying to shove ourselves into what we want to see happen without being patient, and so many times the result of this is that we get burned out.  And I know that sometimes I have even put myself in the middle of something that I knew I shouldn’t be in, and at the end of doing so I have felt the heat!
Don’t force things to happen in your life, but let patience have its perfect work, that you may be thoroughly complete, lacking no good thing!


Isn't that the question we ask ourselves all the time? Why? Why do I feel like this? Why are my kids not listening to me right now? Why do I even bother? Why does this seem so hard? Why can't I get more done in a day? We can ask why, about so many things in a day! I know that I often question my parenting skills, and wife skills, or lack there of sometimes. As I am always learning, always growing, and constantly changing.  I remember each of my children going through a season of constantly asking me why. I believe somewhere around 2 to 3 years old they did this, and sometimes they still do. And as mom, I think to myself  "because I am your mom and I said, so just listen to me"! But I am reminded as I go throughout my day and begin to ask why, that if I am walking in the path the Lord prepared for me, the question actually becomes why not. Why not giggle and enjoy the small things we come across in our day, and find the love, patience, and grace that the Lord has supplied in that moment for that situation. Why not put down the phone or the computer, and truly listen to what my child is saying to me, and answer having fully acknowledged what they said, rather than thinking "why are you asking me right now, can't you see I am busy, and give me a moment?"

I realize that not every day is going to run picture perfect, and look how we would want them to look, but I do know that every day is a gift from the Lord, and we are not promised a tomorrow. So let's enjoy today, and take time to find joy in even the small things!