Thursday, January 16, 2014


I think the word MOM comes out of my children's mouth each day more than any other word. Okay, well maybe I'm exaggerating a bit but it feels like it. I love it most the time, but I'll be honest and admit that there are times I DO NOT want to hear my kids yelling out MOM or even quietly calling it out. There are times I have simply answered back "Mom's not here" but for some reason that has yet to work. We all have our bad days, and as much as  I hate to admit that... It's the absolute truth. I think we find comfort knowing other moms go through a lot of the same struggles as we do. It makes us feel "normal" don't ya think? I do and that's why I'm going to share with you a couple scenarios that occur the most and these are moments when I cringe hearing "MOM!!"

When I finally get the chance to sit down and enjoy my nice cup of hot coffee, and my potty trained toddler tells me he needs to go and go right now!!! Oh, and won't allow anyone else to take him. ( we're working on that) or when a sibling fight breaks out just as I'm about to take that first sip. Sometimes I let it play out and then see if I'm needed. Yep, I was definitely needed for that one. Oops. My bad. Or just as I sit down to drink that divine cup of coffee, a kid yells "Mom, I need help with this math problem"....which is on the computer... downstairs....away from my comfy couch and hot coffee. In that moment I just want to ignore I even heard my name called.....

How about that moment you run away to the bathroom to have a few minutes to yourself because every child is occupied....(yeah you know what I'm talking about) and that invisible fog horn that's in every  bathroom but only senses  a mother triggers, and that horn blows loud and clear alerting every child to come running to the bathroom door with an "emergency" situation needing  you at that exact moment. "It's a hang nail!!" yells a kid, "I can't get my banana peeled!!!" yells another, "I need to use THAT toilet, not the other one!!!" yells another, "I can't find my silly bands anywhere!!!!" yells yet another. In that moment I may or may not answer back. I may sit there and finish updating my status on Facebook. I may just be hanging my head out the window for some fresh air and a quick glimpse of nature,  I may just be staring at the wrinkles forming around my eyes and mouth wondering how and when they became so pronounced, or I might be imagining myself on a tropical Island all by myself being served those fancy drinks with an umbrella, or pretending what it would be like if I could stay there all day, just the bathroom and I (and chocolate of course) But, If I do answer back I might say something like "I'll be out in a minute" but that most likely would turn into a debate about how long a minute might be. So I try to avoid that one at all costs. I may answer calmly or yell depending on my mood "CAN MOMMY JUST HAVE A LITTLE TIME TO HERSELF IN THE BATHROOM?!!!" (I was yelling there) Then, they get it. They know mom needs time to herself and they need mom have that time to herself for the safety and sanity of everyone involved.

But as crazy as moments in motherhood can be, I wouldn't trade it for anything. Its my calling, they are everything to me, and I feel so very blessed to be called MOM (most the time) :)
I know when those hard days and moments come, God is right there with me, He helps me through the worst of days, my weakest of moments, and He gives me comfort and strength. He imparts peace and joy. Without Him I can't do anything. I am who I am because of Him.
So let's not beat ourselves up when we have those bad days, or feel guilty about cringing once in awhile when we hear "MOM!!" Let's look to the One who has all the answers and will get us through it:)
Be blessed this week my fellow mothers!


Thursday, January 9, 2014

What is going on?

Do you have questions about things going on in your life? Would it be easier to walk it out, if you had a clearer picture of what was ahead? Do you know that the Lord wants to reveal those things to you?

1 Corintheans 2: 9-10 But as it is written: Eye has not seen, now ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him. But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God.

There is not one thing going on in our lives that the Lord does not know about. Seek Him, and then listen! He will show you the way that He has already prepared for you! We are a blessed people, and sometimes we need to change our perspective on things, to be able to see clearly. And there is no better way to change our perspective than by hearing from the Lord!

Take some time today, and bring your questions to Him, and let Him help you to see more clearly.